不落俗套,才能吸引年輕人。在他們看,一切事情都可能發生(anything is possible) ,也認為有心,就能把事情做好(Nothing is impossible)。
不久前,鞋商adidas打廣告促銷,還特別將本句改為"Impossible is nothing."(不可能又怎樣!)用做廣告詞,以投年輕人所好。
例:"Hey anything is possible these days. Last week we won the Egg Launch Competition!" 「什麼事都有可能!上周我們贏了飛蛋比賽。」
有心就有路 肯幹變能幹
"When you are eager, keen and determined, nothing is impossible to your willing heart." 「有心就有路,肯幹變能幹。」
想法另類(think outside the box),挑戰極限(push the envelope),是年輕人本色。不願被框框侷限(think inside the box),原因有二,一是他們沒有包袱,二是按老套辦事,成功機率本來就低。
英文有句耐人尋味的話:"If at first you don't succeed, you're about average.",指很少人能把事情做得又快又好;絃外之音其實是:不落俗套,困難才能迎刃而解。
例:"You won't come up with good ideas if you think only inside the box."「想法陳腐,哪能有什麼好主張。」
"The winner certainly push the envelope, and they do a very good job of it."「他們挑戰極限,果然贏得冠軍寶座。」